The Plan

The Plan
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Global Warming and the big trip

This trip has been crazy-hot.  We have not had a day under 90 and yesterday it was 100 in Colonial Williamsburg.  Horrible.
We mitigate the heat as best we can.  The kids fill the camel backs with ice and we run through any sprinkler we can find.  I even let the kids un-blouse their boots if they behave. 
Unfortunately I've been too exhausted and in too big of a hurry to blog.  Let me try and do some catch-up while the kids watch Monster Trucks.

DC:  Awesome
Day 1:  Started off the tour with the tomb of the unknown and a great view of the city.  Went up the Washington Monument, saw the supreme court and the infamous spiral stair-case.
Day 2: Supreme Court tour then on to Representative Norm Dicks.  I'm in a hurry now but I need to take a second and thank Norm Dicks and his staff.  The Representative himself spent 30 minutes with us.  You can tell he's a family man as he entertained my kids questions and showed off his pictures of fish and airplanes- about their two most favorite things, other than horses.  His staff members Yodit and Hart were super-cool.  Hart took us on one amazing tour of the Capitol.  It was the highlight of my trip thus far.
We finished off day 2 with a quick trip through the National American History Museum, then a dip in Dan Bird's pool and a fantastic dinner with Mr Tim Kim.  Great day!
Day 3: Sally Armbruster hooked us up with some early morning tickets to the White House.  So after a quick Starbucks breakfast, we hit the house!  Cool enough, kinda boring actually but it's no doubt the Icon of America so we need to see it.  I've heard the kids brag about it a few times since then.  After the house we went to the National Air and Space Museum, The National Natural History Museum, the National Archives, the Lincoln Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the WWII Memorial, and finally the Vietnam War Memorial.  Action-packed.  Sprinklers on the mall made this trip possible.  We'd get soaked outside then drip a little as we walked through the museums.  I knew it was time to leave each museum when the kids started complaining about being too cold.
The highlight of the day for me was seeing Mr Paul Baffico.  Mr Baffico is the father of a friend of mine from high school.  He fought with the 101st in Vietnam and now volunteers at the memorial despite living in Chicago.  He showed the kids how to do rubbings and gave us a brief summary of his time in Vietnam.  He tells a great story and a crowd quickly gathered.  He bought history to life!
We finished up the day with a party at my friend Ms Rachel Dendiu's house.  Saw lots of friends who now live in DC while the kids reenacted Lord of the Flies.
Day 4 was a bunch of driving.  We went to the Big Air and Space Museum out at Dulles airport.  Definitely worth the trip.  We loved seeing a real space shuttle and the Enola Gay.  Dan Bird made us an awesome dinner at his place and we called it a night.
We left DC the next morning and headed out to Assateague.  Biz is obsessed with some movie "Touching Wild Horses" which was filmed here.  Touching the wild horses is illegal by the way.  Camping on the beach was great but again, really hot.
The next morning we played on the beach, saw some more horses and drove to Williamsburg.  The drive across the bay bridge was especially fun for the boys but biz preferred her book.  Williamsburg was totally fun.  Dinner at the Shield Tavern was well worth the expensive Dad meal and the reasonably priced kids meals.
Kids are restless, they're demanding a trip to the pool this morning.  This afternoon we get on the infamous over-night auto-train.  Can't wait!

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